They've become reclusive and quiet lately, rarely leaving the house. Their lights are burning at all hours of the night and it seems the occupants never sleep. During the few occasions where the family has been seen in daylight they seem pale, with dark and sunken eyes. Neighbors are fearing the worst--they've sold their souls to education and bureaucracy.
Summer Adventure Part #3-Wyoming
9 years ago
You guys really do look a little scary!
I thought you were gonna say
...they are waiting in line to be the first to see Twilight, the movie!
Yours was a much better reason.
Ah, Jeff looks scary. And I was thinking the same thing as Rebecca. Sounded a little Twilightish but maybe I've just got them on my brain. Lame interviewees BTW, have you seen them?!
Jeff is pretty scary looking! Watson's reclusive-isn't that an oxymoron?
I was beginning to wonder. You guys are my Halloween favorites. I had almost given you up for dead. I'm also dying to know how your experiment went. Woot.
BTW, Jeff looks scary. I'm going to have nightmares about that face.
I love seeing all the people on Halloween to see what they dress up as.
I'm still trying to decide if Jeff is supposed to be scary dude, or a clown.
You guys look so great!! I am back on board, I missed blogging too much!! my new address is GINA
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