Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Deseprate Plea

I don't know if anyone even follows my blog anymore, but as the title of this post indicates, I'm getting desperate. So, if anyone is still out there, this post is for you.

As many of you know, my dad recently fought a brave battle against lymphoma and carcinoma. What many of you may not know is that since his remission, he has raised thousands of dollars for cancer research by participating in Pelotonia, a grassroots cycling tour, to support Ohio State University’s research efforts to end cancer.

My mother-in-law was taken by cancer before I could meet her. I just heard from my sister today that my grandmother's cancer has spread. Many good friends and colleagues have also been affected by the consequences of a cancer diagnosis. The frustration over this disease has led me to try to think of some way—any way—I can help.

So this year, on August 20, 2011, I’ve decided to join my dad.

My participation in the 2011 Pelotonia provides me with an opportunity to do something to help make a positive difference for those diagnosed with cancer today and far into the future.

Please join me in this unique opportunity to be part of something truly great. Any contribution, large or small, to help me reach my goal of $1,800.00 would be awesome. Together, we can help improve lives through innovations in research with the ultimate goal of winning the war against cancer.

This is not a donation to me or even the university, but a 100% tax-deductible contribution to cancer research at the James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute.

So, if you can in any way support me, please access my Pelotonia profile on line by clicking on the link below. From there, click on the orange “Donate to My Ride” box and follow the prompts.


Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this important cause. Any support you can provide by Saturday, August 20, 2011, will be appreciated more than you know.



Rider ID AW0018


Cyndi said...

I'm so sorry about your grandma...I hope good things are headed your way. Wish I could donate more but hopefully my smidgen will help. Good luck!!

AmShaZam said...

Cyndi-thank you so much. Every bit helps! It's something I really believe in, for those fighting cancer now, and for the next generation, who will hopefully have better research against the disease in the future. Thank you!!

abstowe said...

Amber, I always wonder why there is so much cancer, it seems more and more people have it. Losing mom like we did so early, and then seeing Brent's mother live for 2 years thru treatments - we'll dig deep and probably only find nickles and dimes. But we'll do it.