Confession time. I've been slacking like crazy on my blog lately- and I have two main excuses. #1- we just returned from the North Carolina coast from a Watson family reunion (pictures to follow shortly). #2- I went to a luncheon with some friends and all anyone there talked about, the whole time, was the
Twilight books! After that, I decided it was ridiculous that I'm the only woman in the world who hasn't read them, so I borrowed them from a friend and read. In short, the house has gone to shambles, the dishes have gone undone, and my assignments have been neglected as I've blitzed the first three books. This is the way I read. I pick it up, and I don't put it down 'till it's done.
So, with this confession on the table, I would like to hear what you guys have to say about the first three books, pending the 4th release- what? This weekend? What have you guys thought of the books? And if you haven't read them, what are your reasons?- because I had a list.
And looking at this picture, I'm like "wait a minute- didn't Edward have blond hair?" Is that just me? And what's with the lipstick?